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Pädagogisches Institut > Profil > Wir über uns > Fachbereiche > Fachbereich Bildungsberatung > Bereich Bildungsberatung International – Department of International Education Counselling

Bereich Bildungsberatung International – Department of International Education Counselling



Our offer

If you have any questions regarding education and schooling, we can help. We offer counseling in a wide variety of languages, e.g. Arabic, Azerbaijan, Bosnian, Croatian, English, French, German, Kurdish, Persian/Afghan (Farsi/Dari), Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian.

Questions that might come up:

  • How to get admitted to crèche or kindergarten
  • What different schools there are in Bavaria
  • How to get admitted to school after immigration
  • How and where to learn German after immigration
  • What special offers and regulations there are in place at schools for immigrant students
  • What international kindergartens and schools there are in Munich
  • How to achieve a higher educational degree
  • How to get approval for foreign school leaving certificates or vocational certificates
  • How to qualify for a profession or higher professional certificate
Information events

We offer information events in different languages for parents, students, professionals.

Support in the German language

For immigrants, German often poses a problem. This is why there are special classes for young primary school students (grades 1-4) and high school students (grades 5-9) in place. These classes are called ‘Deutsch-Klassen’ where after a year of learning German intensively, students can transfer to regular classes at the same school or at other schools.

For students who can already speak German on a basic level but still need support, there are some special offers at primary schools and high schools as well as at some Gymnasiums and Realschulen. Also there are not school-related offers where students can find German and other subject lessons free of charge or not too costly.

For students older than 15 and adults there are plenty of German courses available.

Guest student status and special regulations for foreign languages at Realschule and Gymnasium

Being a guest student, immigrant students get some time to adapt to the new school and level of expectation. They can participate in class but will only be tested after a period of being a guest (usually 6 months). Test results will show if the student can further attend this school as a regular student.

Starting from grade 7, one of the two or three languages taught at Gymnasium can be replaced by another language. In order to get the approval, it is mandatory that the replaced language has not sufficiently been part of the student’s curriculum so far. The exchanged language will not be taught at school but be subject to testing twice per year. This regulation also applies to the subject English at Realschule from grade 8.

Approval of foreign certificates

Foreign educational and vocational certificates can on some conditions be approved in Germany.

You can get information on the approval procedure at Servicestelle zur Erschließung ausländischer Qualifikationen

Foreign school leaving certificates are being approved by Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle für den Freistaat Bayern

Vocational qualification

To prepare for a vocational training and for vocational qualification there are plenty of offers directed particularly at immigrants. This, for instance, includes support in learning German.

Information folder

Plenty of information can be obtained through our Informationssammlung


Please use our contact form:

    First name last name

    Phone number


    Counseling needed for (more than one option possible)

         Integration after immigration

    Creche/kindergartenSchoolJob/training/university admissionApproval of certificates (school leaving/vocational)German courses

         Preferred language

    ArabicAzerbaijanBosnianCroatianEnglishFrenchGermanKurdishPersian/Afghan (Farsi/Dari)RussianSerbianSpanishTurkishUkrainian




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    Hinweis: Sie können Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit für die Zukunft per E-Mail an bildungsberatung[at]muenchen.de widerrufen. Detaillierte Informationen zum Umgang mit Nutzerdaten finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung.

    Bildungsberatung International – Kontakt

    Goethestraße 53
    80336 München
    Telefon: 089 233-26875
    Fax: 089 233-25125
    E-Mail: schulberatung-international[at]muenchen.de

    Telefonisch sind wir erreichbar von
    Montag bis Freitag
    9 bis 12 Uhr und 13 bis 16 Uhr

    Auf der Kontakt-Seite finden Sie die Kontaktdaten
    aller Mitarbeiter*innen.